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Arma III Debut Trailer

An early contender for Least Informative Video Of E3, the Arma III debut trailer provides almost no information about the game at all.  A mere 47 seconds long, viewers are treated to little more than a logo, and social media links.

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Mass Effect 3 Kinect Gameplay E3 Stage Demo

been able to get into the Mass Effect series, but I can imagine that the
Kinect voice control option is still good news. The implementation of
voice control seems like a logical step in order to make the game more
immersive, as playing through dialogue tree sections (something which I
think is
extremely outdated) by actually talking is better (and more “real”) than
just pressing a button.
Using it to command your squad is also a great feature, as manual
rarely do it seamlessly.

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Fable E3 Stage Demo Shows Kinect Implementation

I always feel bad for the people that have to demo Kinect
games, I mean you must feel like a bit of an idiot up there. Skip to the two
minute mark if you don’t want to sit through the trailer again and you’ll see
the full thing being operated with Kinect. The result is well, different to say
the least; while it doesn’t look bad what’s being shown just doesn’t seem like
a real Fable game. It’s hard to imagine how exploration will be handled with
this type of game, a core element of any RPG.

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Dance Central 2 E3 Stage Demo

Alright, so another Dance Central game is coming out? I think it’s safe to say everyone saw this coming. There was always going to be a sequel to a title as successful as the original Dance Central. The demo shows two people playing, or dancing simultaneously for around a minute. There appears to be a section where one player can exit and the other can do some kind of solo sequence. Confirmed new additions are that of voice control and a campaign mode. All songs from the original Dance Central will be able to be imported straight away which is a great way to bump up the content numbers and something expected by now from the creators of Rockband

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Gears of War 3 Co-op Gameplay Video

So, Ice-T is
cool right? Gears of War 3 certainly is, Cliff Bleszinski outlines some brief details
as to the plot of the campaign and jumps straight into the action. The cast
seemed to be split into separate teams of four, no doubt to accommodate the
addition of four player coop play in the campaign. The huge monster in the
trailer is, unfortunately the one that was in Gears 2, but it doesn’t look as
awful this time around.

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Overstrike E3 Trailer

Overstrike comes from Insomniac, the guys behind the awesome
Ratchet and Clank franchise. This marks their first multiplatform title and it
looks frikin cool to say the least. One thing the Ratchet and Clank series is
known for are outrageous weapons. This seems to be in full effect here, that
goo gun looks pretty awesome for starters. The upcoming Ratchet and Clank game
is centred around a team and this game seems to be following a similar setup.
Insomniac’s talent at creating larger than life characters is also present

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7 Minutes of Rage gameplay footage

Right off the bat we get a clear declaration that tells us this footage is actual gameplay. Which is understandable after what happened the last time iD software showed their new engine at E3. The game looks phenomenal, no doubt about that. I had heard recently that the enemies in Rage will behave far more intelligently than other shooters, yet after watching this I can’t really see anything that different. They move around a lot, sure, but they don’t seem to do anything other than just run straight at you. These do look like your typical grunt enemies so hopefully we’ll some new bad guys who can back up those rumors.

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Farcry 3 Gameplay Trailer

Farcry 2 was an ambitious game, but it lacked a lot of the elements that made the original and the Xbox installments so much fun. Farcry 3 seems to be going for a much more action-packed experience judging by the gameplay that’s been released. Showcasing far more furious action and some awesome-looking stealth kills, this seems to be bringing back what made Farcry good in the first place.

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Fable: The Journey is due in 2012 and will use Kinect

The always-enthusiastic Peter Molyneux describes the next step forward for the Fable franchise, which has never been able to capture the same magic as its original entry did all those years ago. This entry in the series will be Kinect enabled (who didn’t see that coming) and allows the player to cast spells by drawing shapes on the screen. Molyneux has said they have been working on integrating the Kinect technology for two years and the game has been in development for even longer. This could explain all the bad things I keep hearing about Fable 3…

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Finally some gameplay for Ninja Gaiden 3

When it comes to Ninja Gaiden, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone more interested than me. Hayashi has been talking a lot about the game recently and now this is his chance to showcase what his team have been working on. They have been talking about how they want it to play completely different from previous games in the series and these videos seem to show that.

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