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New Call Of Duty DLC Exclusive to Xbox – For Now

Settle down, eventually, it’s going to come out for PC and Playstation 3 too, but the new Call of Duty Black Ops DLC is going to start out as an Xbox exclusive.  Which begs the question, is this sort of stunt actually going to sell more Xboxes?  Are there Call of Duty fans so hardcore that they’ll ditch their Playstation 3 and run out and buy an Xbox just to get some DLC a couple of weeks early?  Well, someone certainly hopes so, because the new pack, Annihilation will hit Xbox Live on June 28th leaving PC and Playstation owners pining away.

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The Top 10 Alien Worlds in Film

When Hal Jordan makes his big screen debut this Friday in Green Lantern, his story will not only make him a superhero, it’ll take him out of this world. Literally. As a newly inducted Green Lantern, he must travel to the world of Oa to learn how to harness his powers before Earth is destroyed. With this new setting in mind, Player Affinity takes a moment to reflect on the films that took us off our little blue planet and exchanged it for some of the most memorable planets depicted on the big screen.

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Here’s that Blade Anime Trailer You Wanted

Hey remember the Madhouse and Marvel team up that was going
to bring your favorite Marvel characters and add all the Anime action? Well it
looks like they wasted their time on Eric Brooks: aka Blade. Of all the Marvel
U characters they choose Blade? Really guys? Blade? Let me guess, he’s got the
Vampire thing going on and that’s so hot right now.  Anyway, sit back and enjoy a trailer for
Blade, dropping July 1st in Japan and everywhere else whenever they
feel like it.

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Talking ‘The Tattered Man, Booksmart, Trailblazer and the DC Relaunch’ with Jimmy Palmiotti

It is not every day that I get to sit down with a creator that will one day be known as a Comic Legend! But that’s what happened this weekend as I was able to send a ton of questions and follow questions to the one and only Jimmy Palmiotti one of the best inkers in comics, but also one half of the best writing teams in comics today as well. Jimmy has recently released a ton of creator owned and freelance work including: The Tattered Man, Time Bomb, Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager. So sit back, get a glass of water and read what’s possibly our best interview for the site ever.

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PC Gamers Up In Arms Over BF3 DLC

EA is making a huge push towards gamers to buy Battlefield 3, however their DLC is causing an issue. EA’s DLC Physical Warfare Pack, currently only available via preorder at GAME and Gamestation stores, is causing a large outcry amongst customers. Gamers fear the DLC will provide an unfair edge to the players who purchase the Pack, ruining the balance which is the heart of the Battlefield series.

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Is Kinect Good for Hardcore?

This year at E3, the Microsoft Press Conferences chose to make Kinect their main focus. Now, like it or not, the Kinect is extending the life cycle of the Xbox 360. But at what cost? Microsoft has been pushing Kinect with a half a billion dollar campaign. That is a lot for a motion device, but has the Kinect proven itself to the hardcore yet?

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Bloodrayne Rises From The Grave

Bloodrayne is among the video games that have been granted the honor of a film adaptation by Uwe Boll.  But don’t hold that against poor little vampiress Rayne, because her games are actually pretty good, unlike the movie adaptations.  While the film series has hopefully been put to its final rest, the game franchise will return this summer in a new format.

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E3 Wrap Up – PC

As the ocean of press releases slowly sinks into the earth, four PC video game journalists stand alone in the aftermath of the Electronic Entertainment Expo.  Join Charles Battersby, Ari Runanin Telle, Jonathan Gann and Fergus Halliday as these battle-scarred correspondents recount the brutal battle of hype that nearly destroyed LA this week.

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DC Reboot – The Final Six

It’s official, I’ve found the one book I’m not buying for sure from the DC Reboot and it’s Superman: The Man of Tomorrow written and drawn by George Perez. I’m sorry, but I’m really not interested. Just as I finished saying DC was waiting to do Superman last, they go and do Superman last. I’m not even counting at this point, but I’m pretty sure we’re to 52. If not, then everyone’s burned out anyways so just give it a rest DC.

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Mirror’s Edge 2 May Exist

Remember Mirror’s Edge? In case you don’t, the long and short of it is that Mirror’s Edge
was a first person parkour game that EA said would get a trilogy, but
then critics said “Meh” and so EA killed the sequel. Then they said
there would be a sequel. And then they killed the project again. EA was
being pretty cagey and indecisive, and is now continuing to do so,
saying that a Frostbite 2-powered Mirror’s Edge 2 is a possibility.

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