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How I Met Your Mother – Mystery vs. History

The character carousel stepped aside this week for the sixth episode of How I Met Your Mother Season 7. “Mystery vs. History” packed in laughs, character psychoanalysis and social commentary to boot, not to mention the first “breaking of the fourth wall.” 

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Trailer Tracker: American Reunion, This Means War and More

Isn’t it great when old friends get back together? You bet — especially when those friends are the ones you laughed at and with through the early 2000s. Our featured clip this week is the long-coming fourth installment of the “American Pie” franchise, American Reunion, which finds the original cast back to their gross-out ways.

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Star Wars The Old Republic – Hands on Preview

Release dates have been finalized, collectors Editions announced, and the game which has the best chance of taking down World of Warcraft is just two months away.  Star Wars The Old Republic is a new venture for Bioware, being their first full MMO game, and an attempt to merge massively-multiplayer game mechanics with Bioware’s signature story-telling method of extensive player choice.  After a little hands-on with the PVE game at the New York Comic Con, our correspondent has some ideas about what gamers can look forward to.

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DC Teams Up with General Mills

Earlier today, General Mills and DC announced that they will be teaming up in an attempt to promote literacy in younger children. The writers that will be working on the comic series Joshua Williamson, Doug Wagner, Paul Tobin, and Scott Beatty, and they will feature art from Christian Duce and Derec Donovan and other popular DC artists.

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‘Cloverfield’ Director Matt Reeves to Helm New ‘Twilight Zone’ Movie

Warner Bros. has chosen director Matt Reeves to helm the planned update of The Twilight Zone. Even with only a few theatrical credits to his name, including Cloverfield and last year’s Let Me In, Reeves was chosen from a wish-list of directors that included Christopher Nolan and Alfonso Cuaron. Though the script is reportedly unfinished, plans for filming have been made for summer of next year.

Appian Way Productions, perhaps best known for its founder Leonardo DiCaprio, will be developing the reboot of the beloved 60’s sci-fi anthology series. A film version was made in 1983 which followed the series anthology format by bringing in multiple directors, including John Landis and Steven Spielberg, a partnership that led to an infamous following out between the two following an on-set accident.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic New Trailer

Bioware decided to really test gamers’ patience releasing a new trailer for Star Wars: The Old RepublicThe Old Republic is the true Bioware follow up to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
in MMORPG form and the public anticipation for this game is palpable. 
Yes, I am aware that KOTOR 2 exists but that game was developed by
Pandemic and it’s story lacked the tight writing which is pretty much
standard in all Bioware titles.

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Red Lanterns #2 – Review

 The Red Lantern Corps is hilarious to me. Honestly, if I did not know otherwise, I would think that they were some sort of parody of the Green Lanterns. Maybe they are. This is a group whose primary characteristics are being constantly pissed off and spewing blood. You don’t need a pussy cat or an oversexed alien chick (surprisingly not Starfire) on the team to get that idea. Still, they and their ever so subtly named leader, Atrocitus, have their own book now, and it just happens to be written by Peter Milligan, who also wrote Justice League Dark #1, which I loved. That being the case, let’s take a look.

Aside from an incredible couple of opening pages featuring Dex-Starr, the most bloodthirsty Red Lantern and most genius running joke in DC, Red Lanterns #2 has a lot more going on than the exposition-heavy introductory issue. Basically, Atrocitus, leader of the rage-fueled Red Lanterns and only member capable of some rational thought, is having a dilemma. See, he used to be really super-duper pissed off, but, ever since Hal Jordan killed the guy responsible for all Atrocitus’s anger, the big angry red guy is just going through the motions. In an effort to boost his emotional state from moderately-pissed back to the ravenous psychosis of yesterday, he’s started bombing around the galaxy, honing in on the rage of others. He ends up looking like a cross between the Silver Surfer and the Spectre. Atrocitus flies around the galaxy looking for epic wrongs to right and then violently murders those wrongs in the name of justice.

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Uncharted 3’s Buddy System and Treasures

Today, Naughtydog posted on the PlayStation Blog explaining a cool aspect of Uncharted 3‘s multiplayer.

The Buddy System as they call it is an interesting new part of Uncharted 3’s multiplayer that rewards people for playing in pairs in the various competitive team modes of Uncharted 3.  To request someone be your buddy in any online match, you simply need to stand aside them and press the d-pad down.  If they agree to be buddies from that point onwards, any kills or tasks you both are working on will reward extra experience and treasures if you work well together.  Occasionally, enemy players will drop a treasure unique to you and your buddy.  It may be for them or you, but regardless who claims it, extra points and medals will be rewarded.  Likewise for performing something like a high-five (a taunt unique to being paired with a buddy) you are also rewarded more experience and more medals.

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PAYDAY: The Heist Official Release Confirmed

After a brief delay PAYDAY: The Heist is finally ready for its big day.  Announced on the PlayStation Blog, October 18th is the day PAYDAY: The Heist
hits the PlayStation Network.  Developer OVERKILL and Sony Online
Entertainment originally delayed the game to further polish the title
and insure you, the gamer, has the best experience while playing their

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The ‘American Reunion’ Red-Band Teaser

Yup, the gang is back. Universal has released a red-band teaser for American Reunion, which just as it sounds, will bring starsJason Briggs, Sean William Scott, Alyson HanniganChris Klein and others back for a final hurrah

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