Rumor Has It: Tom Cruise for ‘A Star is Born’
On this week’s rumor docket, we have rumors concerning former Knight and Day co-stars Tom Cruise and Viola Davis.
On this week’s rumor docket, we have rumors concerning former Knight and Day co-stars Tom Cruise and Viola Davis.
In spite of the film’s hefty price tag, use of latest in motion-capture technology, 3D conversion and all the other tell-tale signs of an ambitious blockbuster, John Carter is classic, old-school sci fi/fantasy at heart.
The man who broke the Bat is back… which would have been a shocking revelation had it not been advertised on the cover of this news and barely improved issue of Batman: The Dark Knight. The characters continue to bore, the interesting storyline gets shoved into the corner of the ring while action takes center stage, leaving this issue at a bland mediocrity that can’t be saved by cameos or corny jokes.
Batman deals with the aftermath of the drug and an ‘unexpected’ guest – Bane, hyped up on venom and ready to take Bats out with his super-strength. Will Flash and Superman make it back in time to save Batman, or will he (and the still infected Flash) perish at the hands of the powerful venom flowing through their veins?
I never played Mass Effect. I don’t know why, I’ve been given every opportunity, the game is a long, deep sci-fi epic, and is a virtual rape simulator according to some hilariously misinformed news broadcasters. So why is my twitchy trigger finger nervous to hit the start button? Well it probably has something to do with my irrational fear of inventory management. With Mass Effect 3 coming out, this seems like a perfect opportunity for a study on a storyline I know absolutely nothing about.
At its core, The Lorax is a faithful adaptation, and while the source material is strong, there is simply just not that much to be faithful to. At only 45 pages, adapting this book is akin to stretching out a Saturday Night Live skit or basing a film on a board game or toy – ample padding must be provided.
DC has capped off the week with previews of Superman and Supergirl for their May relaunch of Earth 2 in the form of two ongoing series. Worlds’ Finest will star Power Girl, formerly the Supergirl depicted here, along with Huntress while Earth 2 with feature a different take on the DC Trinity along with other characters from a world that seems to get a little darker with every reveal.
I’ve got to say — DC really started with their best foot forward this week on the Earth 2 previews, because they sure didn’t save the best for last here.
He gave us 46 classic books over his auspicious career, cats in hats and what Horton hears. So on Player Affinity is where we will sing, what five adaptations the movies should bring.
Asura’s Wrath is such an unusually unique experience I don’t know whether to call it more of a game or an interactive anime or even who to really recommend it to.
The spring movie season is upon us and March promises big-time action and a healthy dose of humor, both of the mainstream and independent variety. We have previews of all the big films from this Friday’s Project X to Disney’s sci-fi epic John Carter to the season’s most anticipated blockbuster, the movie adaptation of The Hunger Games.
DC continues its week of Earth 2 previews with glimpses of that world’s Robin, currently known as Huntress and future co-star of Worlds’ Finest and Wonder Woman, set to star in the ongoing Earth 2 series beginning in May.
Details revealed about these two characters paint a better picture of the new Earth 2, revealing it to be a darker place than most were probably expecting. Is this going to be a trend with the rest of Earth 2’s cast? Is Earth 2 not only a world where familiar heroes are older but a world where they have also lived notably tougher lives?