Trouble Point #0 is divided into four chapters, and the first chapter is so morally apprehensible and unintentionally offensive that it makes me adamant about not picking this book up. If the idea of seeing a stillborn baby with a placenta noose around it’s neck does not disgust you, nor it’s resuscitation process, then maybe you could get through the rest of the chapters which range from passable to poor.
This comic covers multiple time periods, making the narrative feel all over the place. As a 0 issue, it does successfully begin each story and introduce each characters (with little characterization). But there are so many stories going on it would have been easier to just make four separate comics featuring each of them. The way they are separated also makes it impossible to see their connection to each other. Each is given a chapter name and a sub name, both of which are useless and most of which don’t make much sense in the context of their respective stories (with the exception of “The Unstoppable Force”).