Turn off the Lights

Satterfield with Ray Carsillo on E3

Before E3 came to a close, I had a chance to speak with a veteran of gaming journalism who is currently the Editor-in-Chief of GameTrailers.com, Shane Satterfield. With that in mind, and with me having finally finished putting together all of my E3 videos, I felt it would be a great way to kick off my look back at E3 2010 with the interview I did on Day 2 with Shane. We covered a bevy of topics from the future of gaming in general to his thoughts on this year's Expo while we waited for the doors to open to the Los Angeles Convention Center's South Hall.


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I am the Co-Founder and CTO of Entertainment Fuse. Thank you for viewing my profile. If you have any questions, comments or if you found any bugs with the website, contact me anytime. I love chatting with our community!

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