Two months after the release of Saints Row IV, Deep Silver and Volition have delivered the first DLC installment of additional content with Enter the Dominatrix. The five mission alternative storyline caters a domineering twist to the alien invasion by Zinyak.
Set as a cast interview with supporting clips from another Saint's entertainment feature parodied after Gansters In Space from Saints Row: The Third, Enter the Dominatrix> enlists the main cast of Saints characters from the previous two titles while bringing back the mechanic Donnie last seen in Saints Row 2 along with Zimos from Saints Row the Third. Each mission is setup by a cut-scene featuring the Saints fielding questions from reporter Jane Valderamma with hysterical dialogue and witty innuendos typical of what we've come to expect from Saints Row whereas the missions and gameplay serve as the live-action clips.
However, as an experience the DLC is more of a comical jog through an alternative turn of events as the protagonist kills Zinyak during the initial moments of another alien invasion. From there, the simulation which provided the playing environment for Saints Row IV develops a sentience of it’s own to provide order, in the form of a super-powered dominatrix, which establishes dominance over the headless simulation following the demise of Zinyak. Clearly poking fun not only at the simulation from the base game, Enter the Dominatrix heavily parodies The Matrix cladding the antagonist AI in glossy black patent leather while donning Donnie in a similar motif to Seraph from The Matrix movies and the game which the DLC takes it’s name from, Enter the Matrix.
Comedic Relief more than Challenge
Though Enter the Dominatrix is short, so is the price tag at $6.99; however it is not the length of the DLC which detracts from a challenge. Instead being a DLC installment which overtly presents itself as a parody of a parody throws waves of dildo bat wielding gimps at you with some heavy machinery in the form of a Dildozer (a tank sporting a dildo-esque cannon). The Dominatrix herself though no push-over is infused with the same powers and attacks veterans of Saints Row IV have faced numerous times while fighting Wardens. Even the final fight during the fifth mission resembles a combination of the previous fights throughout the other four missions rather than upping the stakes with a tough finale as say the final fight with Zinyak during the base game.
New and Returning Toys
A few weapons from Saints Row: The Third have been brought back in style for the fourth title including; The Penetrator dildo bat wielded by many of the Dominatrix’s minions, The Brute minigun, The Flaming Brute flamethrower, and the GL G20 double-barrelled grenade launcher. As for vehicles, the F-69 VTOL from Saints Row: The Third has received a naughty re-texturing, as has the STAG tank now known as the Dildozer, lastly players will unlock another skin for the Gunslinger.
However, the DLC adds more than weapons and vehicles Donnie and Zimos will be unlocked as Homies along with the Dominatrix herself and her champion Dom the Dom including a velocirapting surprise affectionately named Ned.
Though users have expressed disappointments in the comment sections of other reviews, we found Enter the Dominatrix to be a hilarious though short addition to Saints Row IV that aesthetically fit perfectly with the base game, that of a computer-generated simulation. Had THQ and Volition come through on the initial plan to release this concept as standalone DLC following Saints Row: The Third the parody of a simulated environment which drove Saints Row IV would have worked disappointingly in reverse. Despite offering little challenge, the DLC provided plenty of laughs during the cut-scenes and gameplay; imagine waves of gimp-suited minions wielding dildo bats squaring off against you and your tentacle bat, Enter the Dominatrix takes Volition's sense of humor and parody off the deep end with some relaxed gameplay that allows you to have much more fun with the circumstances of each mission.