Rumor: Microsoft Ditching “Microsoft Points”
A recent report from Inside Mobile Apps has spawned a rumor that Microsoft’s method of converting real currency into virtual currency may be going extinct by the end of 2012. Microsoft points may soon be a thing of the past, and this news is likely welcome to those of us who have to do actual math to figure out how many points we need to buy to purchase digital content on Games For Windows, or Xbox Live.
The rumor comes by way of a statement regarding purchasing content on Windows phones, which, considering the current level of connectivity between Microsoft’s phones and consoles, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if this rumor was confirmed sooner rather than later.

If true, real currency will of course be used rather than having to unnecessarily convert it to virtual currency first, based on the region in which the user purchasing the content resides. Having purchased some games from Xbox 360 on Demand, which has used real currency before, I must say, it’s much more convenient. It’s not like Microsoft points are THAT unwieldy, but they seem more like an unnecessary nuisance rather than a necessary evil. Here’s to making everything even easier than it already is!