Rectify – “Weird As You” Review-: Finally, Some Answers
What sets
Rectify apart from the many dramas on television is clear in the final image of "Weird As You:" Daniel sits, slumped against an entertainment system with a baseball bat clearly visible immediately behind him. On a lesser show, Daniel would grab that bat and swing it at Trey, attacking him physically after enduring the string of verbal attacks from his former friend. But Daniel doesn't even appear to realize that there is a weapon so close by. Rather, Daniel absorbs the words, trying to make sense of a time in his life he doesn't remember.
Over the past several weeks, I've made it no secret that I wanted answers- or for the show to at least take steps to prove it was still invested in doling out clues around the question of Daniel's guilt of innocence. And "Weird As You" certainly delivered. While I am definitely just as confused regarding who actually killed Hanna, I certainly feel more connected to this angle of the overall story. What we have learned, without a doubt, is that Trey is an awful excuse for a human being. If his treatment of poor George (who, if you recall, shot himself in the head last season after having a nice chat with Trey) didn't prove that, his manipulations of Daniel this week certainly drove the point home.

Sean Bridgers has been given a tough task. Trey has been presented as an irredeemable character pretty much since day one. Sure, he has an adorable daughter, but every single action he has taken throughout the course of the series screams danger and cover-up. He is a bully of the highest order. But Bridgers has provided enough nuance within his performance to hint that there is more going on with Trey than meets the eye. Those small tastes are enough to keep Trey from dissolving into the mustache twirling villain trope that Senator Foulkes still inhabits (despite having the chance to provide some of his own nuanced character development this week). With Trey's side of the story out in the open, we can finally start weighing the possibility that Daniel was somehow involved in Hanna's death. We now know for certain that he wasn't a part of the sexual assault (whether or not it was an actual assault or consensual is still up for debate), but I assume we have a while to wait before we know what role, if any, Daniel played in the murder itself.
The episode's other major plot point was the saving of Teddy's character. While Teddy's diversions into the land of jealousy and petty whining have been understandable, I honestly wasn't certain he would turn away from the chance to finally sink Daniel for good. Daniel certainly crossed the line with Teddy, so I wouldn't have been too angry if the writers had opted to have Teddy press charges. But all I wanted was for Teddy to choose a side. I'm pleasantly surprised that Teddy opted to protect his family and rescind his story. This is almost certainly not the end of Teddy's gauntlet though, as Foulkes seems dead set on the prospect of getting this story to stick (further enhancing his mustache twirling villain characterization). That being said, I cannot see Ted Sr. throwing his lot in with Foulkes, no matter what he is told.
"Weird As You" marked a clear turning point for the series. No longer is it content with simply exploring Daniel's reintegration into society while dancing around his alleged crime. It is now rightfully taking steps to wade into the tricky waters of continuing to explore life after such a horrific experience while still taking the time to layer in clear clues as to who really killed Hanna. Things are starting to click into a higher gear just at the right time.

Final Thoughts
-- As nice as it is to see Amantha doing something other than being sullen, I'm not sure what her pot enhanced escapades really added to the story.
-- Now that the plea deal has been put on the table, it means it's only a matter of time before the show enters into the courtroom. While I'm not looking forward to the coming shift, I'm glad it will give Amantha and Jon some purpose on the show again.
- Strong scene between Trey and Daniel
- Revelations surrounding the night of Hanna's death
- Teddy finally makes a choice
- Foulkes is still a one dimensional villain
- Amantha's storyline was wasted