If you're interested in playing MMOs on the PS3, but want to use a keyboard, then you're in luck. Then again, that's next to nobody. I'm sorry if you are interested in that idea, but the niche that this controller is going for is so small. To want to use this, you have to:
1. Be a console gamer who only plays MMOs on consoles... (because if you played MMOs on PC you'd still be playing World of Warcraft).
2. ...But still want a keyboard to play with while developers are madly trying to fit MMOs on Sixaxis controllers...
3. ...While being able to look over a huge size that is not idle for couch gaming, and being aesthetically abysmal.
That is a very small market, and the fact that people are making this cracks me up. The keyboard being made for PS3s isn't even a normal keyboard, which is what would draw PC MMO players into console gaming in the first place. It's a strange keyboard/controller hybrid. The only upside to this thing is being able to chat quickly to friends on DC Universe Online. But who am I to judge, look at it yourself:
Yeah, that looks ugly to me too. But at least this is only a concept model, so there's still chance it could look tolerable. What do you PC gamers think? Does this make you interested in console gaming? And console gamers, does this look like a controller you would buy?
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