PlayStation 4 Versions of Fallout and Skyrim lack mod support

The developer of
Fallout 4, Bethesda Game Studios, has given up on its fight to implement mods on its PlayStation 4 version.
Here's what was announced on its website:
After months of discussion with Sony, we regret to say that while we have long been ready to offer mod support on PlayStation 4, Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition.
Like you, we are disappointed by Sony’s decision given the considerable time and effort we have put into this project, and the amount of time our fans have waited for mod support to arrive. We consider this an important initiative and we hope to find other ways user mods can be available for our PlayStation audience. However, until Sony will allow us to offer proper mod support for PS4, that content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PlayStation 4 will not be available.
We will provide an update if and when this situation changes."
You can get more information at

It was also previously promised that the PS4 console will support mod on the
Elders Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition.
It was announced previously by Bethesda that modding would be brought to Xbox One and PS4 versions of these games. PS4 players have been made to wait impatiently because just a few weeks ago Bethesda had said that PS4 mods were still under evaluation. It was implied that on getting mod support running on the console, little movement had been made.
Based on factors that Bethesda has not disclosed, Sony has consistently denied a modding update for
Fallout 4. For the vast numbers of contributing community of
Fallout and
Elder Scrolls players and due to unnecessary upgrades on a regular basis, modding is huge. Sadly, it seems PS4 players will now be left out of the loop for good.
It has been noticed as well that Microsoft has seized on the opportunity to go in on Sony. They quickly publishing a series of tweets highlighting the Xbox One's mod support. Surprising no one, Microsoft isn't holding back against its competitor.
It's not just members of the Xbox team, as the console's official accounts seem to be much more willing to post passive-aggressive messages about the limitations of the PlayStation 4 platform. Fans also seem to be enjoying the new tone from the Xbox accounts. This isn't the first time Microsoft has come after Sony in the past week. The console wars seem to be heating up a bit again now that Sony has shared more details about the PlayStation 4 Pro and Microsoft finds itself on the winning end of a few pre-emptive battles.