Beyond Good and Evil on PSN, BioWare Emails and PS3 Firmware 3.66
Not much in the way of big news so here’s three smaller things you might want to know about. Beyond Good and Evil
has been given the HD treatment and was released on Xbox Live for well
over a month now but only just today was it stated the game would
finally be making its way to PSN on June 28th. Originally slated for
May it has been delayed for unknown reasons. Whether this was a business
exclusivity deal or technical issues, no one knows. All that matters
is this cult smash hit will be playable by PlayStation-only people now
and this is a good thing. I remember thoroughly enjoying BG&E
for its relatively unique mix of mechanics and interesting story and
cast of characters back in the PS2 days, and yes like all the other crazy
gamers I’m still waiting for those gosh darn Ubisoft people to stop
obsessing about Italians who like to poke things and give us more sweet
sweet Jade and Pey’j action in awesome modern form.