When the words “Street Fighter” are brought up,
many hark back to a simpler time. A time when one would beg their parent
to borrow an extra quarter in order to play as the guy who could shoot
electricity, or the Russian giant who could overcome any foe. With the
release of 3rd Strike Online Edition for PS3 and Xbox 360, these memories can
be relived in the comfort of one’s own home. And while 3rd Strike may have ditched most of the
cast of previous SF games, the characters provide a fun change, something that
is held perfectly intact with the Online Edition. With arcade-perfect gameplay and GGPO online integration,
this version of 3rd Strike may be the best one yet.
The visual features that this version of 3rd strike offers
are quite astounding. It allows
for the choice of 4 screen sizes (Normal, Widescreen, Stretched, and Arcade
Cabinet), 3 character visual filters (Crisp, Smooth, or None), and even the
option of turning scan lines on or off.
With so many options, players can adjust the settings to their preferred
specifications with ease. In
addition to the graphics looking very crisp, each of the moves seems to convey
what it is really well. When you
press hard kick, the character truly does seem to wind up and unleash a move
that usually knock the opponent back very far. Similar to Street Fighter 4, when the character is knocked
down, the background will often react in some way (whether it is cans flying up
or snakes falling out of trees), and the way that these backgrounds animate is
also very satisfying.