Dust 514 Attempts to Take Epic Scale to Epic Levels
If you haven’t already heard about DUST 514, it’s a new FPS that takes place in the universe of EVE Online. EVE Online is an MMO sci-fi game with its own economy of corporations and populations spread throughout. The premise of DUST 514 is that corporations will literally battle over important worlds, handing out contracts to DUST mercenaries to do their dirty work.
DUST 514 offers a unique gameplay hook. The skirmishes and battles players take part in will actually have an impact on the world of EVE Online. Planet side battles can be influenced by players in EVE via support roles. An EVE player with a warship can provide orbital strikes to opposing forces and swing the tide of battle. If the EVE player gets distracted though, his allies on the ground could be overwhelmed instead. It’s a brilliant idea and developer CCP thinks DUST 514 will be a less intimidating and more accessible entry into the EVE universe.