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Every Mass Effect Comic Ranked
June 1, 2017 | Comic Features
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Persona 5 Review
April 17, 2017 | PS4 Reviews
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Games We Love: Devil May Cry 4
February 27, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Tales of Berseria Review
February 7, 2017 | PS4 Reviews
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Games We Love: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
December 13, 2016 | PS4 Features

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Devour Human Hearts in The Darkness 2

I have always been very fond of the original Darkness, while certainly not the best first person shooter out there, it had a great cast of characters and a really engaging story that was made all the more enjoyable because of that. It’s been nearly five years since the original, and the focus of first person shooter has shifted dramatically since then and creating a sequel that stays true enough to the spirit of the original while maintaining modern standards will not be an easy task.

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: First Big Release of 2012, or Disappointing Flop?

As of this moment, 2012 has not been very strong on the release front.  Most of the material released thus far has mainly been complementary to games that were released in 2011, but on February 7th, 2012, the very highly anticipated Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning comes out on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.  One thing about Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning that must be noted is that it has had quite a tumultuous life span, and has been in development for almost 6 years.  There is always a bit of a stigma with games that have long life spans (we’re looking at you Duke Nukem: Forever), but unlike the largely negative response to DN:FKingdoms of Amalur not only has a very interesting story and a ton of lore, but also has some very powerful names behind the development process.  One of the main lore creators is RA Salvatore, who before Amalur has created the Forgotten Realms and DemonWars sagas, which have sold more than 15 million copies in the US alone.  Having such a big name as a lore creator really adds to the depth of the intrigue, but the names do not stop at the lore.  For those who have not played the demo that is now available on Playstation Network and Xbox Live, you should know that the artwork throughout the game has been headed by Todd McFarlane, the legendary comic book artist that created the popular Spawn franchise, and has done large amounts of work on The Amazing Spiderman

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Insomniac Done with Resistance

Insomniac Games are officially parting ways with the Resistance franchise.

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Pac-Man and Mega Man join Street Fighter X Tekken

The exclusive characters being announced for Capcom’s upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken on PlayStation 3 just keep coming.

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Max Payne 3 Delayed Until Rockstar’s Favorite Month (May)

In a move that is both disappointing and also a bit puzzling, Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May 15th (in North America) and May 18th (in Europe). The original release date for what is looking to be one of Rockstar’s huge releases was March 6th, and with the announcement only coming a few days ago, it makes me wonder why they decided to go with the extra delay. One thing to note is that it will be releasing on almost exactly the same day as LA Noire was released in 2010 and Red Dead Redemption was released in 2009.

Now there are two main theories that I have as to why there is such a delay. One is that they have a history of releasing very critically strong games in May, and they may just feel safer with it coming out at that time (also, there is really nothing that comes out in May, which gives them the opportunity to sell a lot more copies for people looking for games). The other, much more unlikely, theory that I have is that it was delayed so that later in the year, they can give either much more news or a solid release date for GTA V. With the added knowledge that they pretty much own May, they could announce a May 2013 release for GTA V (keep in mind, this is purely speculation). With only 2 months until release, what games will you be looking to hold your time until the release of Max Payne 3?

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Resident Evil 6 Revealed and Dated

After what feels like way too long Capcom has finally not only confirmed Resident Evil 6 but even released the first full length trailer along with a release date.

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Space Marine getting Dreadnought DLC

Dreadnoughts are coming to Space Marine next week in the titles next big DLC update.

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