Turn off the Lights

Players Celebrating Halloween in The Lord of the Rings Online

If Turbine intends to run an official event for Halloween 2011, they are keeping pretty tight-lipped about it. This means that if you are wanting to have any Halloween celebrations, you will have to either do them yourself or  join up with a player-run event.

Luckily, groups on several servers have announced a number of these player-run events. If you play on Crickhollow (or even if you just want to create a character there to join in on the festivities) you can head over to the Abandoned Graveyard at 2 PM EDT on the 28th for some fun. You can join in on a costume parade, a game of hide and seek, and even a storytelling contest. Second Breakfast, the hosting Fellowship, is calling this “Ghosts, Goosebumps, and Graveyard Tales.”

Do you play on the Landroval server? If you do, you can join in on The October Surprise happening on October 27th hosted by the Sons of Numenor Fellowship. To participate, the Fellowship asks that you arrive in your best Halloween-themed costume. Events will include a music show, fireworks, and trick-or-treating on the streets of Dyrthdal.

Keep in mind that Turbine may reveal an official event on or around Halloween itself. If it does not, keep an eye on your favorite Fellowship’s news to see if they intend to host an offering similar to the ones outlined above.


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