A mysterious omen appears! Planetside 2, formerly known as Planetside Next, has been hinted at by Sony Online Entertainment's CEO, John Smedley and a few other folks in the loop for quite some time now. It appears that something offical has finally emerged from all of the promises and waiting. Planetside2.com, formerly a joke/spoof website created by some fans, was updated September of last year to redirect to the original Planetside's website, being taken as a hint to many that SOE did indeed plan to create the game. Now, nearly a year later, after a cryptic Facebook post asking fans to "Enlist" by liking the page, Planetside2.com now features a countdown, backdropped by Planetside 2's alleged logo. Spooky.
While it's heavily unlikely that this countdown is to a release date of the game itself, it is very likely that the Planetside 2 team has plans to release official information of some kind at that time. A lot of speculation has been thrown around regarding the release of the game, and many things are currently open to debate, but it does appear that this is an actual game that is set to release within the next year or two, at the very least.
Sony's Fan Faire in Las Vegas is assumed to be the locale of the big reveal, as the countdown coincides with its occurance. Will we see an amazing online shooter that pushes even more boundaries than Planetside itself did in its day? Or will this be another big promise that falls flat on its face in lieu of newer games? I'm hoping very discreetly on the former.