Steam doesn't have an official Midweek Madness Sale this week, but what it does have is a crazy amount of percentages off for some less popular games. If you like Railworks, they've got a 50% off deal for you, bringing it down $35. The price of the DLC for it has also been chopped in half, which is good for all Railworks fans. The very few amount of you out there. Riven and realMyst are both 17% off for $5 instead of $6. Well, Myst for $6 was already a great deal, so this is just further incentive. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse is also marked down to $19.99 until September 8th. On GamersGate there's a huge sale for air combat games, with recent titles like Wings of Prey and older ones like Battlestations Midway. There's an overall of 21 deals this week, so check out GamersGate if you feel stingy with your cash. ImpulseDriven has some already cheap games made even cheaper, though the most significant of those titles is Call of Juarez for $9. Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age Awakenings are on sale there as a bundle for 29.99, if you like RPGs. On Direct2Drive, Just Cause 2 is still $5 off, but a new game called Amnesia: The Dark Descent is $2.50 off as well. This game is made by the same guys who made Penumbra, so there's some promise there. But, if you didn't intend to buy it in the first place, $2.50 isn't going to convince anyone.
So if you like games with vehicles, and with some simulation perhaps, check out GamersGate and Steam.
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