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Persona 5 Slated For September 15 at Japan

"No US release date yet official for the most anticipated JRPG of the year"
Atlus teased a countdown weeks back for more Persona 5 information and today is that day. Along with a new trailer and developer interview, they also announced the Japanese release date, DLC plans and collector's editions for the highly anticipated sequel. Persona 5 is now slated to be released at Japan on September 15th for the Playstation 4 and Playstation 3 coinciding with the franchise's 20th anniversary a few days later. No US release date was announced today (Atlus please!), but I hope it comes out stateside before the end of the year because there is usually a gap between region releases with these Atlus games. The latest trailer shows off more story and gameplay reinforcing the fact that this game oozes with style. These are the slickest menus and use of UI I have seen in a while. One of the characters shooting up enemies leading up to a raging demon-like animation while sipping on some tea. Has any other game done that in recent memory? Not that I can recall. Atlus also announced DLC plans and collector's editions for the sequel today as well. DLC so far is shaping up to be more costumes, but nothing like an expansion in the books yet. The collector's editions have your different packaging, artbooks and soundtrack, but since the series' music is so good, getting that soundtrack is a must for fans. Persona 5 will also be at E3 2016 next month. It will likely be playable hopefully in English along with Atlus announcing US release plans at Sony's press conference or another way. Sure, Uncharted 4 is out next week but this is my most anticipated PS4 exclusive of the year and the game keeps getting better every time a new trailer is out.


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