Gaming From Across the Pond 08.21.10
Hello fellow gamers and welcome to another week of ranting from the PC Department’s pet Brit. Some of you may have read a feature this week on games that sit on our shelf and never get played, if not check it out. My game chosen was a Settlers game, but it got me thinking about the original and how much fun I had with that game, even though the graphics where appalling by today’s standards. So my question is how important are the graphics?
Though I could never actually say what my ten favourite games are, or put them in order, I do know a few which would definitely be included: The original Command and Conquer: Red Alert,StarCraft (including Broodwar) and Monkey Island 1 and 2 for example. The hours I spent on these games are far larger than the time I have spent on any other game (though maybe notWorld of WarCraft). My point is that even though these games had graphics that can be replicated in flash games now, they were still awesome. The game play was great, the storyline fantastic and the mechanics brilliant.