Ubisoft Drops Always-Online DRM for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Ubisoft garnered quite a bit of hate from PC gamers last year when all
their new releases came with a new Digital Rights Management system that
prevented you from playing your game if you didn’t have a constant
internet connection. The reason this caused so much controversy is
because this system applied even if you were playing a game that was
exclusively single player. There were occasions where the DRM servers
went down and nobody was able to play any of Ubisoft’s PC games that
used the system, including the PC versions of Splinter Cell: Conviction and Assassin’s Creed 2.
Even though last month Ubisoft scaled back some of its DRM on last year’s games, there were still some initial worries that Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
would be using this same DRM system. Ubisoft has confirmed that the
game’s Single Player campaign would be playable offline, although it
would require an initial login process.