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Top 10 Events to Look Forward to at E3
June 10, 2017 | PC Features
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Another One: Call of Duty: WWII
April 28, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Slated for September 19th
April 25, 2017 | PS4 News
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Yooka-Laylee (PS4) Review
April 18, 2017 | PS4 Reviews
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Star Wars Battlefront II Official Trailer
April 15, 2017 | PS4 News


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Homefront PC Review

The hype was high for Homefront, a title that revolves
around an alternate reality future in which North Korea invades the mainland of
the United States. This invasion scenario was written by John Milius (who also
wrote Red Dawn) and was developed by Kaos Studios, formerly of Frontlines: Fuel of
. It is clear from the start that the single-player of Homefront was not the
primary focus of development, as it sags in many areas and comes off as a weak
Call of Duty clone than anything else. The one uptick is the decent multiplayer
that combines common deathmatch and capture objective modes with the ability to
buy equipment based on performance mid-battle, allowing for more diverse
strategies. However, the presentation of the bleak occupied lands is pretty
much the primary driver that makes this title stand out; everything else is
fairly unimpressive.

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Crysis 2 PC Review

I had high hopes for Crysis 2, a game that had a lot to live
up to, considering its predecessors essentially set the bar for freedom and
graphics in first-person shooters. What’s more, the original Crysis was a
PC-exclusive, allowing all sorts of graphical extremes to be attempted. Crysis
2, however, is a console-centric title, with a port to PC; the possibilities
are more limited by static hardware requirements. Fortunately, this hasn’t
stymied the developer Crytek, as Crysis 2 is a fantastic looking game, and
brings forward essentially every innovation from the original, albeit with some
limitations in map size and an annoying inventory system. The sheer length of
the quality campaign, matched with a decent deathmatch-style multiplayer may
prove Crysis 2 to become a console classic on par with other greats of the

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Red Faction Armageddon – Hands-on Preview

I was there from the beginning with the Red Faction series when it premiered on the Playstation 2.  That first game was released a decade ago, and had the then-revolutionary feature of “Geo-mod” technology, which is fancy talk for being able to distort the environment when you used explosives.  In the first game, this was used far too sparingly, with only a few areas where players had the means, and motivation to blast their way through large sections of the terrain.  However, when the second Red Faction came out, it had significantly more opportunities to blow holes through things that got in your way.  Not so long ago, the series took this to the extreme with Red Faction Guerrilla where pretty much anything standing could be knocked down.  Now, the franchise is back with the ultimate incarnation of this gameplay premise: Red Faction Armageddon, a game where blowing up everything you see is just the start of the fun.

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Console Exclusives We Want On PC: Captain America Super Soldier

You know who doesn’t like Captain America?  Communists!  You know who else doesn’t like Captain America?  Nazis!  So, when Sega makes a Captain America video game, and only releases it for consoles, what they’re really doing is calling us PC gamers a bunch of Commie, Nazi scum!  That’s why we should demand that the upcoming tie-in game to the Captain America movie be ported to PC as soon as possible.

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Brink – Hands On Preview

Ah the utopian city of tomorrow!  Lots of games seem to take a liking to this notion. Unfortunately, setting a game in a perfect world would be rather boring.  You only get some excitement when that utopia goes horribly, HORRIBLY awry in some manner.  Like, for example, the population of your perfect city ballooning to ten times what it was intended to hold.  That’s what happens to the city of ARK in the year 2045, in Bethesda’s upcoming shooter Brink.

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Darkspore Preview

The original Spore was a very divisive game. Some loved it for its variety,while many hated it for its lack of depth. Regardless, anyone who’s played Spore will acknowledge the game’s powerful creation engine. WithDarkspore, Maxis are going in a whole new direction for the franchise. They are going to implement Spore’simpressive creation tools into an action sci-fi action RPG. 

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Weekend Sale Friday March 25th

Yesterday had lots of great online game sales for the weekend, and I’m sure most gamers found something of interest, but today offers a smattering of new weekend deals if you weren’t wooed by any of the online discounts already on the table.  Gog.com is selling six games from the publisher Enlight for 60% off it you buy them as a lot, or 40% off if you want to get them individually.  That’s $19.14 for the lot of them, or six dollars each if you just want one or two.  The list of games includes Capitalism 2, Capitalism Plus, Restaurant Empire, Seven Kingdoms 2,  Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries, and Warlords Battlecry 3.

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