Homefront PC Review
The hype was high for Homefront, a title that revolves
around an alternate reality future in which North Korea invades the mainland of
the United States. This invasion scenario was written by John Milius (who also
wrote Red Dawn) and was developed by Kaos Studios, formerly of Frontlines: Fuel of
War. It is clear from the start that the single-player of Homefront was not the
primary focus of development, as it sags in many areas and comes off as a weak
Call of Duty clone than anything else. The one uptick is the decent multiplayer
that combines common deathmatch and capture objective modes with the ability to
buy equipment based on performance mid-battle, allowing for more diverse
strategies. However, the presentation of the bleak occupied lands is pretty
much the primary driver that makes this title stand out; everything else is
fairly unimpressive.