Tiny and Big: Grandpas Leftovers Review
Slice, drag, and rocketize anything as we review Tiny and Big: Granpda’s Leftovers!
Slice, drag, and rocketize anything as we review Tiny and Big: Granpda’s Leftovers!
Recently, I’ve been playing The Secret World, Funcom’s new MMO. The game, for those of you who don’t know, is based in a modern world, unlike most MMOs which are set in a fantasy world of unknown period. The three in-game factions you can play as are: The Illuminati, The Dragons, and The Templars. Here are my first impressions to the most frequently asked questions about The Secret World.
Turns out those guys at Gearbox are still working on a little FPS known as Borderlands 2. You can’t help but respect the developer for anything less than their complete reverence for utter seriousness of video game making. Their first trailer supported the idea of something like 95.3% more wub wub, which we all know is essential to the video game making process to craft a successful modern game. Yet again Gearbox has created another trailer stating their proclivity for seriousness and true-to-life realism and what it takes to be respected in the FPS world.
In The Trench 1916 you take control of a French foot soldier to first-person shoot your way through the hellish trenches during the German assault on Verdun.
The kingdoms of Men, Elves and Dwarves lay in ruins, preyed on by raiders and looters. In this chaos, a new, unknown threat is looming. How will you attempt to conqure the Realms of Ancient War?
Good news! BioWare have announced free trials for Star Wars: The Old Republic! As of yesterday, players can try the game up to level 15 with no time limit. This will cost players nothing, providing they don’t already have a previously active account.
Trent Reznor is slated to work on the theme music to Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Reznor and Jack Wall will most assuredly make one heck of a soundtrack together.