Doom 4’s Development Woes Continue
Five years after announcing it’s development and nine years after the release of it’s predecessor, Doom 4 finds itself not at the gates of hell but residing in developmental limbo.
Five years after announcing it’s development and nine years after the release of it’s predecessor, Doom 4 finds itself not at the gates of hell but residing in developmental limbo.
The co-op mode in the modified Australian version of the new Saints Row IV will be incompatible with versions played by the rest of the world.
A group of eager fans visiting the offices of games creator Valve have unearthed what seems to be evidence of a new Left 4 Dead game plus a brand new graphics engine.
We now know more about Battlefield 4 and if you were planning on getting the game for your current system you may want to hold off if you want all of the features the highly anticipated sequel will be bringing.
A new first person shooter was announced today and it will be coming out very soon indeed. Betrayer is from some of the lead designers behind F.E.A.R and No One Lives Forever and will be released through Steam Early Access on August 14th.
Entertainment Fuse has watched the Everquest Next live keynote at the Sony Online Entertainment live event. Will this be the game that shapes a generation of MMORPGS? just like it’s younger brother?
After last weekend’s fiasco with Phil Fish cancelling Fez 2 & quitting the game industry, Entertainment Fuse goes further into subjective commentary and the reality of today’s journalism.