The Latest with Spies vs. Mercs for Splinter Cell: Blacklist
We delve into the new Splinter Cell game to see if Spies vs Mercs can reignite those old multiplayer flames.
We delve into the new Splinter Cell game to see if Spies vs Mercs can reignite those old multiplayer flames.
We look at the newly rehashed game in the Final Fantasy Online series. After a disastrous first game have they tweaked it enough to warrant a revisit?
Entertainment Fuse goes more in-depth with BioShock Infinite’s ending. Is it more complicated than we think it is supposed to be?
This week we fully jump into Bioshock Infinite, discussing its narrative themes (race, religion, patriotism) as well as the good, bad, and annoying about its gameplay, and our interpretations on its very weird ending. We also speculate on where the franchise can go from here when it comes to DLC and sequels. Obviously, full spoilers ahead.
Today we look at what is coming from the game Thief which is the third game in the critically acclaimed series.
Be advised: the Battlefield 4 trailer is finally here and it is a lengthy reveal showcasing the new Frostbite 3 engine.
Today we look at DRM in gaming and if the world is ready for an era where all games are protected by DRM.
We take a look back to BioShock and what we expect in BioShock Infinite.
Mass Effect 3 recently had its one anniversary as we look back on its triumphs and controversies it had the past year.
Shocker, JJ. Abrams is picking up more projects. Probably because his schedule is so empty right now, but this is gaming related. For some reason Hitman is being made into a movie again and Vincent has a surprisingly take on DmC.