Steam continued to do what Steam does best this week, namely, they sold the newest release at the top and got great sales for one of their latest deals. The entire list is standard, top to bottom, with no surprises. Football Manager 2011, does stand out a little, though. Call of Duty will stay on the top for a long time, probably as long, if not longer than Civilization V did. Top 10 Steam Games
1) Call of Duty: Black Ops - $59.99
2) Risen - $14.99 [-50%]
3) Football Manager 2011 - $39.99
4) F1 2010 - $26.79 [-33%]
5) Fallout: New Vegas - $49.99
6) Sid Meier's Civilization V - $49.99
7) Left 4 Dead 2 - $19.99
8) Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - $39.99
9) Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - $19.99
10) Counter-Strike: Source - $19.99
Direct2Drive had a couple of surprises this week, unlike Steam. MMO players started buying at Direct2Drive this week, as they bought DC Universe Online and Guild Wars Trilogy. I didn't think DC Universe Online would come back until near release, but I guess I was wrong. We may see DC Universe Online in the future. Civilization V is higher on the list at Direct2Drive as always, because Direct2Drive buys more Civilization than Steam does.
Top 10 Direct2Drive Games
1) Call of Duty: Black Ops - $59.95
2) Sid Meier's Civilization V - $49.95
3) Guild Wars Trilogy - $19.95
4) DC Universe Online - $49.95
5) Fallout New Vegas - $49.95
6) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II $39.95
7) Medal of Honor - $59.95
8) Sid Meier's Civilization V Digital Deluxe Edition - $59.95
9) Tom Clancy's HAWX 2 - $49.95
10) The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack $39.95
Elemental: War of Magic was topped last week by MinerWars 2081, but it seems both of them have been topped yet again by Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity, a game that's been staying near the bottom of the Impulse list for a while. East India Company Collection got a deal, as did all of the Majesty 2 properties, so those got on the list. Something I'm truly pleased by is the fact that Mirror's Edge, a game I think got very little attention when it deserved it, is selling this week thanks to a 50% off deal. Maybe this will encourage EA to put a sequel in the works, but probably not. Hope springs eternal. Ironically, the other Sins of a Solar Empire expansion is at the bottom of the Impulse list this week. I'm guessing Trinity will go back down near the bottom next week, and Elemental will take it's place at the number 1 spot once more.
Top 10 Impulse Games
1) Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity - $39.95
2) Elemental: War of Magic - $49.95
3) MinerWars 2081 Pre-Alpha - $11.40 [-62%]
4) East India Company Collection - $14.99 [-50%]
5) Majesty 2 - Battles of Ardania - $14.99
6) Light of Altair - $7.49 [-50%]
7) Majesty 2 - The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - $7.49 [-75%]
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