Parks and Recreation Deleted Scene: Ben and the Iron Throne

If you are a fan of NBC’s comedy
Parks and Recreation then you know how much Ben Wyatt, lovable geek/calzone enthusiast, loves himself some Game of Thrones. On the latest episode Leslie, being the best wife/present giver
ever, surprised Ben with a replica of the “Iron Throne” and he appropriately, as someone whose internet auction screen name is “Tall Tyrion Lannister”, geeked out all over the place. While the episode aired a hilarious montage of Ben’s reaction to the world’s best gift, NBC has released the entire scene for our viewing pleasure and it is amazing.
So many things about this video are pure perfection, from how long it actually takes Ben to take a seat on the throne, to his Joffrey-like slouch when he does sit down, to Leslie’s inability to adequately role-play in his
Game of Thrones fantasy, and Ben’s childlike and endearing wonder-filled reaction. It is as satisfying to watch as it is for Ben to receive his awesome gift. Watch the fantastic moment here:
Of course this is not the first time the show has referenced the popular HBO drama, Ben’s history as a fan has been highly recorded as well as the other characters’ love of the show. But with all this Game of Thrones love, Leslie couldn’t come up with something other than, “Our starship is in trouble,” to say? Come on, Leslie.