Turn off the Lights

Paramount Pictures in the lead to distribute “James Bond”

Paramount Pictures could nab the distribution rights for James Bond 23, which was recently confirmed to be in the making. The studio is in a good position for these rights because of Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum of MGM and their friendship with Paramount’s “top brass,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

However, some sources suggest that “23” and subsequent films in the series will come with an unprecedented distribution fee. One exec thinks that the fee will be at a minimum of 6 percent instead of the usual 8 percent. This might cause Paramount to jump ship even though this would be a guaranteed moneymaker. The other studio that is clearly in the running for rights is Sony. The studio could really use a boost after commercial bombs like How Do You Know, and Amy Pascal, co-chairman for Sony, is very amiable according to a former insider.

It’s all up in the air for now, but stay tuned for further updates on the next Bond adventure, which is currently scheduled to hit theaters in November of 2012.


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