I love Michael Pachter. He’s entertaining, funny, and exactly what this business needs. On top of all that, he’s almost always correct with his predictions, no matter how crazy they can be. Mr. Pach Man’s latest predicition is a little less bold than some of his others but still an interesting one. He says: “We estimate that a $50 console price cut across the board will impact software sales by a positive 5%, and we expect Microsoft to lead with a cut some time in Spring 2011.”
This is a prediction I can definitely foresee happening. While I don’t think it will happen to all consoles (the Wii going down to 150 bucks seems unlikely), I have no doubt we’ll see a price cut for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3. I also can see Microsoft announcing the price cut at E3 and also unveiling a Xbox 360 S that will come bundled with Gears of War 3 and a controller. Or possibly a 360 and a Kinect pack in for 300 dollars.
In all honesty, my Xbox 360 Elite is very sexy, sure. But if the new Xbox 360’s were 250 dollars… They could be a bit more attractive. We will have to wait and see as these predictions will probably not come true (if they do) until E3 of next year at the earliest.