Do you like video games and are penniless? Well, if the answer to both questions is “Yes”, you should head over to and check out the beta test of their new Free Playpack Beta. Unfortunately, the “Free” beta is only available to people who already shelled out $99.99 to buy Onlive’s Micro Console.
So, let me ask you this “Did you spend your last hundred bucks on the new Micro Console from Onlive?” If the answer to THAT question is yes, then you’re in luck, because you can be among the first people to try out Onlive’s new Playpack. Playpack is sort of like Netflix Streaming service, but for games instead of movies. For a monthly fee of $9.99, you can play any of a select list of games as much as you like. This is an optional plan that you can choose in addition to the standard Onlive “Play Passes” that let you buy or rent specific games.The new Play Pack is going to be in the free Beta until January 14th at which point it will be open to anyone who forks over the monthly fee. Once it’s out of beta, it will be available to both Micro Console users, and PC/Mac gamers using the Onlive software.
The list of games includes fourteen decent titles like Tomb Raider : Underworld, Unreal III, and Lego Batman. Onlive promises that “More Great Games [are] Coming”, but details aren’t out yet. If you’ve been on the fence about buying the micro console, this ought to help you make up your mind. You can see all the full list of games at Onlive’s website.