NYCC 2014: Peggy Carter & Howard Stark Mini-Series Announced
At the "Cup O' Joe" panel on Saturday at New York Comic Con it was announced by Marvel that a new mini-series,
Operation S.I.N., will be debuting in January 2015. This five issue mini-series will star S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Peggy Carter, Howard Stark and the original Man on the Wall, Woodrow McCord.
The creative team on the project are writer Kathryn Immonen (
Journey into Mystery, Pat Walker: Hellcat, Wolverine and Jubilee) and artist Rich Ellis (
Memorial: Imaginary Friends). Immonen previously wrote Agent Carter's character back in the 2011 one-shot
Captain America & The First Thirteen.
The series will follow agents Carter and Stark on an adventure around the world. Their journey takes place in 50s Cold War era Russia. The two are looking for an alien artifact and will be running into HYDRA along the way.
[caption id="attachment_60761" align="aligncenter" width="400"]

I'm already thinking this could be on the top ten best covers list of 2015...[/caption]
Just like in the
Captain America movie, these agents do not get along with each other, and Stark has to charm Carter into leaving her desk job and returning to the field after the man she loved - Steve Rojers, a.k.a. Captain America - is presumed dead. The mini-series will begin around the same time as the
Agent Carter television show in which Hayley Atwell will return to her role as Peggy Carter from
Captain America.
I think this is a great way to get non-comic readers on the bandwagon since these are two recognizable characters from the
Captain America movie. So please, comic book
movie fans, let this be an excuse to give
comics a try! And if this gateway mini-series isn't the best... there's always Captain America's ongoing series.