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Nintendo + Activision = New Goldeneye

Rumors swirled the internet about it, and before even that, everyone wondered what kind of drugs Activision was on for voluntarily losing it’s biggest money-making franchise. Not surprisingly, Activision had an answer for the skeptics. However, what is surprising is that Nintendo unveiled it during their E3 conference. Of course, the “it” I’m talking about is the new Activision developed, Goldeneye for the Wii.

As if Nintendo’s previous announcements of Zelda, amongst other top shelf properties, wasn’t surprising enough, near-mid conference, Goldeneye was unveiled. Because words can’t define the collective glee everyone felt, the crowd got a little crazy. Following the announcement, video was shown. Even though it looked graphically underwhelming, excitement clearly was flowing through the Nokia theatre.

Aside from the graphics, there has to be new features right? After all, the original Goldeneye came out in 1997; over ten years ago. Why yes, there are a slew of new features. Some of which include online play, among 16 other game types as well as, Daniel Craig’s likeness as Bond. Of course, because everyone loves nostalgia, many goodies that made the original Goldeneye a classic, return. Said goodies include returning Bond adversaries like Oddjob and Jaws as well as 4 player split-screen. And if all of this wasn’t good enough, you can go ahead and start prepping the basement for epic late nights with friends; Goldeneye will be released in November. Here’s to hoping it does not get delayed.


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