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New Watch Dogs Trailer & Release Date Revealed

Wondering when you will get to experience the brand new game from Ubisoft that everyone is waiting for? Well wonder no more as today the official release date for the game was announced. The game will be available on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC in North America on November 19th with the European release following on November 22nd. But what about next generation versions?
We know now Watch Dogs will be a PS4 launch title and is "also planned for other next-generation consoles" which we will know more on after the Xbox reveal event scheduled for May 21st. Would you like a reminder as to why we are so excited for this game? Check out the new trailer below.

It is kind of risky putting Watch Dogs out a full two months after Grand Theft Auto V as people may be so blown away that the next open world game they play could suffer. Or it could disappoint and Ubisoft could take the entire audience away. Only time will tell. All that’s for certain is that fans of the genre sure have a lot to look forward to at the end of 2013.


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