All-New Suicide Squad Returns
Suicide Squad's surprise cancellation last month, many were wondering what could possibly replace it. Something fresh? A return of an old favorite? The options were plentiful, and DC Comics has surely capitalized on this opportunity. By giving readers –
Suicide Squad… with pretty much the exact same team roster. Except with all new “fan favorite” character Joker’s Daughter, along with Deathstroke and Black Manta. Much like the previous announcement of the relaunched
Teen Titans, this is one cancellation that is trading one thing for the exact same thing. All that was done was giving both series a short hiatus.
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Suicide Squad, with a not so fresh face.[/caption]
The book comes from new creative team Sean Ryan, a former editor whose most notable writing credits include the
Flashpoint: Grodd of War miniseries, and Jeremy Roberts, who most recently put
Harley Quinn #1 and
Stormwatch under his belt. The series kicks off this July. Expectations? Hopes? Please send in feedback below.