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New Release Date for Conduit 2

Sega has just revealed the new release date for Conduit 2 on their Conduit 2 blog site . This is the first concrete news involving the game’s release to make its way into the news since developer High Voltage Software announced the sequel’s delay this past September. Unfortunately, a specific day of release has not been nailed down quite yet, but fans of the original Conduit should be happy to know that they can continue exploring the series’ sci-fi universe come February 2011.

The Sega blog also reports that Conduit 2 experienced two very well received showings at E3 and PAX this year, which allowed High Voltage Software to come up with new ideas for the game and take in a lot of fan feedback. As it turns out, these new ideas and fan feedback were the direct cause of the Wii shooter’s delay. Hopefully, this extra development time will prove invaluable for Conduit 2’s development team, as the first Conduit was no more than an unoriginal, albeit highly competent, Wii take on the first-person shooter genre.

This delay should also give Conduit 2 a better chance at retail. By February, most gamers will have already purchased and completed the majority of Holiday 2010’s releases. Therefore, it stands to reason that High Voltage Software won’t have to worry about their game getting completely buried beneath an avalanche of high profile titles upon release.



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