All-New All-Different Avengers Team Revealed
Last week Marvel released a number of promos slowly revealing the team for their new title the
All-New All-Different Avengers. Now the roster has finally been fully revealed with the new female Thor, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) , Nova (Sam Alexander), Vision, Iron Man, Captain America (Sam Wilson), and Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales) being part of the team.

This new title has a unique roster of old members and fresh faces. I personally love the new team and I feel that it has a perfect balance. Mark Waid will be writing the title and Mahmud Asrar will be doing the artwork. Your first look at the
All-New All-Different Avengers will be on Free Comic Book Day, where you can get this issue for free at your local comic book store.
Are you excited about this new Avengers title? Do you like the creative team? Does the roster interest you? Tell us in the comments below!