New Comic Chronicles Life of David Bowie
Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke, The Goblin King, Starman, the Man Who Fell to Earth – these certainly sound like comic book characters, and now David Bowie’s life will be a comic book.
Fame: David Bowie, a new comic book from comic book biography specialists Bluewater Productions, will tell the magical story of a certain David Jones, better known to the world as David Bowie. Although many know about Bowie because of his evolving distinctive looks, it is his creative output that has always kept him significant.

It would be hard to overstate David Bowie’s impact on rock and pop music in the 1970’s and 80’s. Although he began as a folk musician, he progressed through numerous musical styles. His turn as the fictional persona Ziggy Stardust on the album
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars made glam rock explode. However, Bowie wasn’t happy staying on one place, as he made pop, soul, new wave, minimalist, and industrial music, most of which was very well received. Bowie acted in a number of films, perhaps the best known being Jim Henson’s
Labyrinth, in which he plays Jareth, the goblin king. Bowie released his most recent album,
The Next Day, last year.

Fame: David Bowie is written by Mike Lynch with art by George Amaru. There will be six different covers for the issue, showing Bowie in different periods of his chameleon-like career. Bluewater Productions have developed comic books about a vast number of figures in politics, popular culture, the arts, and sports. For fans of rock from the 1970's, Bluewater will in the near future have comics about Alice Cooper and George Harrison.