Inspired by the classic video game series, Castlevania is a dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. The animated series is from Frederator Studios, a Wow Unlimited Media company, written by best-selling author and comic book icon Warren Ellis and executive produced by Warren Ellis, Kevin Kolde, Fred Seibert and, Adi Shankar.
Castlevania series writer Warren Ellis is well-known to comic books fans for his work over the years with both major and independent publishers. His past work includes X-Men, Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, and a recent run on Moon Knight. He has also penned several novels, most notably Crooked Little Vein and Gun Machine.
Paste Magazine has learned the series will be very violent, according to a social media post by series producer Adi Shankar.
"I’m producing a super violent Castlevania mini-series with my homies Fred Seibert and Kevin Klonde," Shankar posted. "It’s going to be dark, satirical, and after a decade of propaganda it will flip the vampire sub-genre on its head."