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Naughty Bear Gets Free DLC

Today the developers of the game Naughty Bear, Artificial Mind and Movement, announced a new piece of DLC for their game.  Apart from the new DLC, which is free, you get an update.  I didn’t play too much of Naughty Bear so why don’t I let these handy PR people pitch them to you?

“In the free DLC episode, Naughty Bear receives a surprise invite to a suspicious cake tasting party where he is to be the guest of honour. Players must help Naughty decipher the real motive behind the invitation before things get out of hand on the Island of Perfection.

Upon downloading Level 8, gamers will meet the X-Bears, a gang of superhero bears led by Danger Bear. Adored by their fellow bears on the Island of Perfection, the X-Bears possess super powers and are always ready for battle. Players will also meet Bubbles, Danger Bear’s ultimate die-hard fan, who is identified by his sidekick mask and the Danger Bear hat he wears. Though Bubbles has no superpowers of his own, he solidifies his dedication to Danger Bear and the X-Bears by employing an Uzi in the fight against Naughty.

Players can also unlock expanded in-game content including costumes, hats, weapons and four new challenges in an originally themed environment.”

I think that it is really awesome of Artificial Mind and Movement to release free DLC, but seeing as their game wasn’t very good in the first place, I don’t see this piece of content boosting sells too much. But if you did buy Naughty Bear, it’s available now.


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