Robin Hood Review
It has been 19 years since Robin Hood was last on the silver screen. But with his enduring popularity and new trends taking place in cinema since Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves nearly 20 years ago, a re-invention was always on the cards. With Ridley Scott directing and Russell Crowe starring, a new type of Robin Hood is born.
Scott is one of the best directors around for a historical film; he has shown a great skill for taking people back to another time and show what the period would have been like (even if he has to take a few liberties to the historical facts). He has shown he ability in The Duellists, Gladiator, and Kingdom of Heaven. With Robin Hood he shows that the Medieval period was dark and dirty, even for members of the gentry. Battles are hard and brutal, though with a PG-13 rating there is a lot less blood than in Gladiator, which is a shame.