As we approach Christmas, we can expect the online sales frenzy to grow greater and greater, reaching a horrid peak somewhere around the middle of next week as all the online stores and digital distributors make their final lunges at our wallets. This week we’re still seeing some worthy sales, though, so let’s take a look at what’s available at the moment. has been on the ball this holiday season with tons of deals running simultaneously. They have a Daily Deal on games by the publisher 1C, and today it’s Cryostasis, a Russian Shooter/ Horror title. It’s 75% off at $3.24, and highly recommended.GamersGate is also holding a month-long sale with dozens of games on sale, a different roster each week. Many of them are mediocre budget titles, but right now you can get The Sims 3 and several expansions for 60% off, among many other deals. Sweetening that deal even further is the 4-For-3 sale where, if you buy four games, you’ll get the cheapest one fore free. also has a couple of deals going on now. It’s EA Week, with a different game on sale each day; today it’s FIFA Soccer 11 at half off for $19.99. They’re also selling Civ IV for five bucks at the moment too, and the Civ IV Complete Edition is at $12.99. is holding sales on numerous titles at the moment, but today’s special deal is on everything by Dreamcatcher interactive. This includes series like Gothic and Spellforce.
Telltale games has a different deal every day this month, and today they’re selling a Holiday Pack of eight games for $49.99. The Pack includes several Sam & Max games, along with Puzzle Agent, Strongbad and more. has several deals today, including Metro 2033 for $9.99, Just Cause 2 for $7.49, and my reccomendation Killing Floor at $6.80. Killing floor has a new DLC pack out today, and the game is starting its in-game holiday event, so this is a good time to grab it.The worst deal right now is the Electronic Arts store, who are giving price breaks if you buy certain games and a copy of Medal of Honor. So, if you want to pay sixty bucks for Dead Space, and get a copy of Medal of Honor thrown in, then by all means click HERE. That same link will also take you to a slightly better deal on The Sims 3 and its expansions. entered the mosh pit of holiday sales with discounts of up to 50% on 290 games. They aren’t just selling the crap, either. You can get several incredible RPGs like Planescape Torment or Baldur’s Gate II for just $6.99. This is by far the BEST DEAL OF THE DAY. If you don’t buy Planescape Torment at this price, I will personally come to your house and take your computer away.