Sad news for Mega Man fans today as Capcom announced on the official website for Mega Man Universe that the game is being cancelled.
Although the site’s message contains an apology, it did not have any information as to why the game was cancelled, only mentioning “various reasons.”
The Mega Man franchise has been running into trouble lately,
first with series creator Keiji Infaune leaving Capcom while criticizing
Japanese game development, and lately with Mega Man Legends 3, a title
announced for the new Nintendo 3DS handheld, in an uncertain state.
Mega Man Universe was going to be set in the Mega Man 2 era, however with new 2.5D graphics. Although there was a campaign based off of the Mega Man 2 story, what made Universe so unique was the ability for players to construct their own levels and share them online, similar to the PlayStation 3 title Little Big Planet.
Aside from Mega Man, there were many playable characters shown, including Ryu from Street Fighter and most infamously “Bad Box Art Mega Man,” based off an artist’s poorly interpreted rendering of Mega Man from the cover of his first NES release in North America.
The game had been announced for both Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.