Quite some time ago, Marvel announced a film adaptation of the comic The Runaways, which sees five teenagers in Los Angeles
Despite already having a script from popular comic book scribe Drew Pearce, Marvel brushed it to the side to focus on The Avengers, a film that will see Iron Man, Captain AmericaHere’s what Pearce revealed at a screenwriting panel at Empire Big Screen, via The Playlist:
“Basically, The Avengers came along and everything else at Marvel got put on hold for a year. But the script is there, we’re good go. It’s kind of like [being] at the airport when you’re waiting for your slot to take off with Marvel, and we’re hoping we get a slot next year. Fingers crossed. They’re very happy with it, so hopefully it happens.”
That leaves a release date for “Runaways” up in the air, but Marvel recently announced the release dates of May 16, 2014 and June 27, 2014 without naming any films. Could one of those dates be for The Runaways?
Perhaps, but the studio also has titles like Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy that are also possible for release on either of those days. There’s also D23 to consider, where we could hear quite a few announcements from Marvel.