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Mafia II’s Jimmy’s Vendetta Coming September 7th

For anyone who picked up a new copy of Mafia II for the Playstation then you got the chance to enjoy some free DLC exclusive to the PS3 called “Betrayal of Jimmy” featuring Jimmy the bald mercenary.  This September 7th it looks like he will be making his way to not only the Playstation but the 360 and PC with this new addition called Jimmy’s Vendetta, available for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).

The Betrayal of Jimmy had a chunk of random missions that had nothing to do with the main story and it looks like Jimmy’s Vendetta will follow that same concept, this time with 30 missions.  The best part about these missions is that they were fast and just all about killing gangsters.  The biggest problem about the story missions was that, while they had a nice build up to get to the action, it often took too long to get to the meat of the mission.  If you felt like just shooting crap with an actual objective then these missions was a nice diversion if you got bored. 

Given the price and the fact that it comes with 30 missions it seems like a good deal if you enjoyed the game but if you haven’t had a chance to play this game yet make sure you check out our review.


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