The unstoppable “Fast and Furious” franchise may have found a villain for its sixth installment, as Luke Evans is reportedly in negotiations with Universal for a starring role. Evans would make the leap to the cars-and-crime franchise off of Peter Jackson’s two-part prequel to “The Lord of the Rings,” The Hobbit, which is currently still in production.
Evans will join series stars Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, as well as returning Fast Five addition Dwayne Johnson, but plot details are scarce. We know that Justin Lin will be returning as director, and that the newest outing will see the “Fast” gang heading to England to pull a job, no doubt to the chagrin of Evans’ character, who has his own team working on the same heist.
The casting news over the surprisingly anticipated sequel could certainly be described as quick and frenzied, as last month, MMA-champ and Haywire star Gina Carano began negotiations for a role alongside Johnson as a DEA agent. Only a few days ago, rumours spread that The Doctor himself, David Tennant, was also being considered for a part, which certainly would have added to the film’s overseas appeal.
Universal’s transitioning of the franchise from racing flicks to crime capers paid off hugely with the fifth film, which earned over $600 million worldwide and gave the series its first positive reception from both fans and critics since the original. Collider dates June as the start of production for Fast and Furious 6, with plans for a seventh entry already being prepared.