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LittleBigPlanet 2 Confirmed; Details

Last month, musician Ochre let slip on his Twitter account that his song "Infotain Me" would be appearing in LittleBigPlanet 2, thus confirming the title is in development. Now, GameInformer have gone a step further, revealing its appearance in the June issue of their magazine.

While the issue is not yet on sale, details have begun to emerge from a NeoGAF forum member with early access. It seems devoloper Media Molecule have been hard at work desiging a much more expansive LittleBigPlanet experience. New creation tools will allow players to create multiple genres of games, from racing and puzzle games to role-playing games and even real-time strategy.

As well as this, new video recording technology will be available so players can shoot and edit short films, create their own sounds and even customise their very own cutscenes using the popular Sackboys and girls.

If that wasn't enough, apparently LittleBigPlanet 2 will also introduce the Sackbot, a fully customisable and programmable enemy unit, and "direct control seat", an option that will allow players to define different control schemes for enemies, vehicles and Sackboy himself, possibly shifting away from the basic platforming controls of the original game.

With all of these changes, LittleBigPlanet 2 looks set to be a much more experimental title, offering almost unlimited creation oppotunities for players all over the world to create, share and play.

Look for it on a Sony console sometime in the near future.


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