L.A. Comic Con: Chloe Bennet and Gabriel Luna (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Panel
One of the big guests for the 2017 L.A. Comic Con was Chloe Bennet, the actress who plays Skye/Daisy Johnson/Quake on
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. She took to the stage on the Saturday of the convention for a conversation with Sean Gerber (Superhero News). Surprisingly, she was soon joined on stage by Gabriel Luna, who played Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider on the most recent season of

The initial discussion centered on where Season 4 of
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. left off. Gerber asked Bennet where the Agents will be at the start of the season, after the cliffhanger ending of the last season. Bennet joked, “We in space, bitch,” before confirming, “Yeah, we’re in space.” They also talked about the landmark 100
th episode of the series that will take place this upcoming season. Bennet said, “It’s crazy. I had no idea [it would last this long]… It’s been amazing. I’m so proud of the show we have. And it gets even better.”
When Luna emerged onto the stage as a surprise, he was met by loud cheers from the audience. Luna and Bennet discussed what it was like to work together. Luna said that he was a big fan of the Daisy Johnson character from the comics even before the series started. So he was very excited to work with Chloe Bennet. Luna confessed that he had some nerves before coming on board, but everyone was really welcoming. Luna and Bennet talked about how most of his first work on the show was just him and Bennet in a car, shooting for almost a month and a half.

Bennet also discussed their tag-team fight scenes towards the end of the season. They were both very happy with how it turned out, and there were a lot of different ideas going in about how to play out those scenes so they would look the best. She revealed that without the special effects, the action actually looks pretty ridiculous. Bennet said, “Nothing looks cool about it…His chain is CGI the end of it, so he is whipping around, like a foot-long chain.”
The conversation turned to how
Agents… has long been showing female and multicultural characters in a strong light, including Bennet, who is the first Asian-American to play a Marvel superhero. Bennet said, “Our show has been doing such a great job… Ahead of the curve in terms of giving female characters, female characters of color really dynamic characters and normal… Our show has been doing that since day one without making a thing about it.” Luna added, “There’s no pandering.”

Bennet also discussed how much she has enjoyed the evolution of her character, from an outsider Skye to finding her identity to become an Inhuman and powered Agent. “It’s been so crazy to grow, kind of organically, alongside her. I was so new and bright-eyed the way Skye was in the pilot episode…Then to deal with being on a big network show, and the pressures and responsibilities of having the weight of the show on your shoulders. It’s felt weirdly organic, even though they [her life and Daisy’s] are very different.”
Gerber asked the actors to describe the upcoming season 5 of
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bennet said, “This season is a completely different aesthetic and worlds that you have never seen… It’s just really good. The first episode is actually a little scary. It’s even darker.” The
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 5 premiere will be a two-hour episode on Friday, December 1