Turn off the Lights

Justified – The Lord of War and Thunder

Raylan returns to Harlan County to bail his estranged father out of jail.  His "Aunt" Helen and his father are having a feud with a gentlemen named Perkins who is renting Helen's old home in town.  There seems to be bad blood between them because of the rent, but something completely different is going on.

So we finally get to see Raylan's father and step-mother.  We've been walking around this subject since the very beginning of the show.  We learn that Raylan's grandfather was a preacher.  A strict one at that.  His father was always in trouble with the law which is why he and Raylan don't get along.  His father is also a Vietnam Veteran and besides a few heart attacks has been diagnosed with PTSD and being bi-polar.  All of this of course is not an excuse it's just the facts.

Over the course of the episode we see Raylan on surveillance looking for a fugitive with Marshall Brooks.  He does a lot of yard work! :)  He spends some time with Ava despite the fact he keeps telling himself that's a bad idea.  I do think they're good together though.  Something about the chemistry.  Finally we have the situation with his father and the Perkins gentlemen.  It seems Perkins is a little dirty himself and after he and his nephews rough up Helen, Raylan gets involved, but the results are not anything like we expect.  We also get to meet another member of the Crowder clan.  Remember Raylan shot Crowder and put him in the hospital.  It seems we are going to see some things occur soon related to that altercation as well.

So with this story they have created a few new plot lines for Justified to follow.  I think this may be the first episode Raylan didn't pull his gun on a suspect let alone shoot someone.  Amazing!  Maybe the crooks are getting smarter.  I will say facing down a shotgun would take guts though.

A solid episode of Justified with some interesting new plots to follow.  I guess we'll be seeing a little more of Raylan's dad and the Crowder bunch going forward.  Should be fun!  Thanks for reading...

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman    


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