Jungle Girl Returns For Finale
Dynamite Entertainment is proud to announce that industry sensation Frank Cho will return to
Jungle Girl, the comic book series that showcases Jana, a primal heroine in a prehistoric Lost World. Co-written by Doug Murray (
The 'Nam) and illustrated by Jack Jadson (
The Savage Hawkman).

Jungle Girl: Season Three picks up where the previous series left off, following Jana's escape from an underwater city and a gigantic, otherworldly creature. "I'm delighted to be back with my co-creator, Doug Murray, and finish out the final story arc of
Jungle Girl," says Frank Cho, one of today's most recognizable names in comic book illustration.
Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite Entertainment, says, "Frank and Doug have created an incredible tapestry, and I can't begin to express just how happy we are that they were able to coordinate their schedule and come back to tell the grand finale to their story. "
Jungle Girl: Season Three #1 is slated for release in April and will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms.