The hunt for the hero of Tony Gilroy’s The Bourne Legacy may be drawing to a close as Latino Review reports that Universal has extended an offer to Jeremy Renner (The Town, The Hurt Locker) for the lead role. “Legacy” will not focus on Jason Bourne (previously played by Matt Damon), but will take place in the same world Bourne walked through in the last three films.
The casting search has cast a wide net, with such actors as Garret Hedlund (Tron Legacy) Chris Evans (Captain America: The First Avenger) and Shia LaBeouf (Tranformers). Oscar Isaac (Sucker Punch) was said to be Gilroy’s top choice, but Universal seems to have vetoed it. The box office take for Sucker Punch could not have helped.
Renner’s star has definitely risen in recent years with the success of “Locker” and “Town”. His name might be even bigger by the time “Bourne Legacy” comes out due to his upcoming involvement in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and as Hawkeye in The Avengers.